Chapter 1. Fcron: how and why?

Table of Contents
1.1. About fcron
1.1.1. What is fcron?
1.1.2. License
1.1.3. Requirements
1.1.4. Compilation and installation
1.1.5. Configuration
1.1.6. Bug reports, corrections, propositions...
1.2. How to install fcron
1.2.1. Compilation requirements
1.2.2. Compilation and installation instructions
1.3. Changes
1.4. Release notes: fcron 3.3.2
1.5. Todo
1.5.1. High priority
1.5.2. Low priority
1.5.3. Ideas
1.6. Thanks

This chapter will explain you what is fcron, why you should need it, and how to install it.